
DJI dan yeni multikopter kontrolcüsü

DJI WK-M multikopter kontrolcüsü ve otopilotundan sonra düşük fiyatlı bir multi kontrolcüsünü satışa çıkarmaya hazırlanıyor. DJI NAZA WK-M nin gps ve pusula yani otopilotu olmayan versiyonu diyebiliriz. Demo videolarında çok iyi performans sergileyen DJI NAZA 10 Aralıkda yine DJI firmasının quadcopter frame i olan F450 ile combo olarak satışa çıkacakmış.

İşte resmi olmayan NAZA özellikleri
Naza By DJI Innovations
Brand new flight controller based on a new core design allowing single light weight small package delivering flight stabilization for multi rotors
With built in gyros, and barometric sensor all housed in one unit with S-Bus support
The Naza is a versitile plug and play system with patented internal shock sensor and reliability for the sports flying market.
Like the Wookong the Naza will be fully firmware upgradeable allowing for future expansions
-S-bus support
-Dual flight modes – Manual and Atti
-Self Levelling and Altitude Hold
-Led Multi Function Indicator
-Usb Interface
-Assistant Software
-Firmware Upgradeable [/I][/B]
Auto level ve Yükseklik sabitleme özellikleri yeterde artar bile Birde gimbal stabilizasyon desteği var ise çok güzel olacak
DJI kendi sitesinde yayınlamaya başladı ayrıntıları :
Built-In Functions Autopilot
Auto Level Fail-safe
Low Voltage Protection
S-Bus Receiver Support
2-axle Gimbal Support
Supported Multi-rotor Quad-rotor I, X;
Hex-rotor I, V.
Supported ESC output 400Hz refresh frequency.
Recommended Transmitter PCM or 2.4GHz with minimum 6 channels.
Assistant Software System Requirement Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7
Electrical &Mechanical
Working Voltage Range MC:4.8V~5.5V
VU: 7.2V ~ 26.0 V (recommend 2S ~ 6S LiPo)
Power Consumption MAX1. 5W (0.3A@5V)
Normal:0.6W (0.12A@5V)
Operating Temperature -10°C ~ 50°C
Weight MC:25g
Dimensions MC: 45.5mm x 31.5mm x 18.5mm
VU: 32.2mm x 21.1mm x 7.7mm
Flight Performance
(can be effected by mechanical performance and payloads)
Max Yaw Angular Velocity 150° / s
Max Tilt Angle 35°
Ascent / Descent ±6m/s
 Biraz da video ve foto

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